Two Humans.
Stranded lightyears from Earth.
Injected into a crew of aliens who are soon fighting for their survival.
The Cure
A ticking clock.
An unlikely assortment of allies.
A unifying goal to uncover the secrets that could save them all.
Promises to keep.
Allies to protect.
Duties to uphold.
Enemies to confront.

Treachery at Martinique Isle
At the SW sea, turn your back to the inn
lies the key, Across the way.
Stay and it will lead ye, True to the marker
to set the treasure free, At last to dig in sand.
Turning of the Tides
Stranded aboard a ship of pirates,
Jacq has a choice to make.
Out of her element, Alex must rely
on the person she despises most.
Venture to Africa
Jacq and Alex are once again
in search of treasure.
This time, however, their path takes
then to the African wilderness.

What We’ve Unlearned: English Class Goes Punk
14 high school English class favorites reborn.
14 ’punk versions you’ll have to read to believe!
Huck Finn vs. The World by Rachel Cherie

Coming soon…
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.”
— JRR Tolkien
© Rachel CherÃe 2023. All rights reserved.